Monday, January 7, 2008

How to Relaunch Your Career in the New Year

How to Relaunch Your Career in the New Year
Caroline Levchuck, Yahoo! HotJobs

Was 2007 a professional bust for you? Was your career stuck in neutral? Never fear, the new year is here, and with it comes endless possibilities for growth, upward mobility, and more.
Deborah Brown-Volkman, a certified professional coach, says, "What's great about the new year is that it's like a do-over. You've completed the last year, and now you can start all over again."
Regain Your Focus

The first step in reviving a stagnant career is to regain your focus. Finding it begins with identifying what you want, according to Brown-Volkman, who's been coaching clients for almost 10 years.

"Ask yourself what you want, what you want to be different this year. Start listening to yourself. Do you want a better relationship with your boss? A leadership role at your company? A new job altogether? You have to get clear on what you want," she counsels.
If identifying what you want is too intimidating or overwhelming, Brown-Volkman suggests figuring out what you don't want as a way of backing into your professional desires. Ultimately, knowing what you want, she says, "will give you focus."

Make an Action Plan
Next, you must formulate an action plan and follow through it. Don't wait for opportunity to knock on your door, warns Brown-Volkman. "People wait for it to come to them, but they have to start moving toward it. Action is what builds momentum."

As you move toward your big picture goals, there are small actions that can help you move forward. "Changing your attitude will make a big difference. If you focus on the bad, it will be bad for you. Focus on the positive and that will give you energy."

Eliminate Clutter

"Clean your desk," she adds. "That's such a big thing in terms of helping folks focus and get clear."
Brown-Volkman also believes professionals can change the way they work. "Stop answering emails one by one -- set up specific times during the day to address them. Also, if you're on a roll, don't answer the phone every time it rings, unless it's your boss. The constant interruptions will derail your focus and make you feel less efficient."
Get the Necessary Support

If your plan for advancement involves your boss, be sure you position it properly to her. Coach Brown-Volkman reveals, "When enlisting your supervisor's support, you have to make sure you focus on what's important to your boss and the company. If it's all about you, it won't work." If you feel isolated in your job or your quest for change, enlist the people around you. "Reach out to your colleagues for support," she says.

Brown-Volkman urges everyone to start the new year with a new plan for their career. "People who are unhappy are people who feel trapped, who haven't created a game plan for what's next. Any time you don't have a bigger picture in mind, the day-to-day gets to you, and your career can come to a standstill."

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